Friday, January 3, 2020

An Introduction

Hello everyone! I'm Jake and this is my blog.

I'm a former reserve police officer, dog owner, firearms enthusiast, heavy equipment operator and a little bit of a geek so most of my posts will be reviews of  gear/tools used for those jobs and my everyday life.

I will be honest with my reviews, I will be as thorough as I can with my reviews but I'm human and I'm bound to forget something or misstate a fact, if you catch a mistake comment and I'll fix it. Most of my reviews will be long term (6 months of use or longer) because as a consumer I'm always interested in long term durability, there are other reviewers who get the latest and greatest and then pop out a review after a week or less of hands on time with the product, and while they're great for some people (I enjoy them simply for the opportunity to learn) people like myself are very budget consious and are trying to strike the right balance between up front cost and longevity of the product, and I want my reviews to be for those people.

I have a list of items that I would like to write reviews for and will slowly get them posted as I make time for them but I can't promise reviews on a schedule.

Anyway, if y'all have any questions put them in the comments and I'll respond to them.


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